Class 12 Web Applications 803 Previous Year Question Paper 2020 – Old – Solution

Series HMJ
Question Paper Code 320 Set 4

(Session 2018-19)

Time allowed : 2.5 hours
Maximum Marks : 50

General Instructions :

  1. This question paper contains 31 questions out of which the candidate needs to attempt only 23 questions.
  2. Question paper is divided into two sections.
    • Multiple choice questions / Fill in the blanks/Direct questions : contains total 12 questions of 1 mark each. Answer any 10 questions.
    • Very short answer type questions : contains total 7 questions of 2 marks each. Answer any 5 questions.
    • Short answer type questions : contains total 7 questions of 3 marks each. Answer any 5 questions.
    Long answer / Essay type questions : contains total 5 questions of 5 marks each. Answer any 3 questions.


Multiple Choice Questions (Attempt any ten from the following) : (1X10=10)

1. ____ displays our collection folders, which contain clips.
a) Collection Pane
b) Task Pane
c) Storyboard
d) Timeline

2. AVI stands for ____ .
a) Audio Video Integration
b) Automatic Video Interrupt
c) Audio Video Interleaved
d) Audio Virtual Implement

3. The ____ indicator can be dragged on the seek bar to the exact spot where you want to split the clip.
a) Playback
b) Preview
c) Trim
d) Zoom

4. The preview monitor can be made larger or smaller by clicking ____.
a) View
b) Insert
c) Edit
d) File

5. Which extension identifies a video file ?
a) .avi
b) .png
c) .mp4
d) .xml

6. We can upload a file to a web server using a protocol called ____.
a) FPT
b) IP
c) TCP
d) FTP

7. ____ tag conforms to the W3 standard and helps to achieve standardization across the World Wide Web.
a) param
b) comment
c) embed
d) object

8. Which of the following is a JavaScript arithmetic operator ?
a) %
b) <
c) &&
d) ?:

9. To use random() in JavaScript the syntax is :
a) random()
b) rand()
c) Random.random()
d) Math.random()

10. What will be the output of the following JavaScript code :
var name=[‘‘Red’’, ‘‘Blue’’, ‘‘Yellow’’, ‘‘Green’’];

a) Red
b) Green
c) Yellow
d) Blue

11. In JavaScript if a variable is defined using var in a compound statement ‘‘if’’, it will ____.
a) be visible to the entire compound ‘‘if’’ statement
b) not be visible to the entire compound ‘‘if’’ statement
c) be visible to the entire function
d) not be visible to the entire function

12. To use an object’s methods or properties, we write the object’s name, ____ and then the method/property name.
a) a dot[.]
b) an asterisk[*]
c) an ampersand[&]
d) a pound[#]


Attempt any five questions : (2X5=10)

13. Consider a video ‘‘Trial’’ divided into clips namely clip1, clip2, clip3. With reference to the mentioned video ‘‘TRIAL’’, explain contiguous clips.

14. How is Timeline view useful ?

15. Write steps to import files into Windows Movie Maker.

16. Differentiate between Property and Method with example.

17. Explain Fall through with respect to switch statement with the help of an example.

18. What are Snippets ? Write its advantage.

19. How can a PSD template be useful for a web designer ?


Attempt any five questions : (3X5=15)

20. Write steps to trim a clip in timeline view.

21. Write steps to edit the existing title in a video in Windows Movie Maker.

22. Name the two types of file formats in which an image can be saved. Differentiate between them.

23. Assuming Samar has created an external JavaScript file named “code.js” to include in his webpage. Write a code to link the above file in the HTML code of the webpage. Also mention where the code should be placed in the HTML code.

24. What will be the final value of A and B on executing the following code :
A = 43
B = A+1

25. What parameters need to be set in order to apply page transition on a webpage ?

26. What does ‘‘Recalculate Hyperlink’’ do ?


Attempt any three questions : (5X3=15)

27. Write a function that displays a prompt box which accepts a name and displays a greet message ‘‘hello <name>, Have a good day’’ when the user enters a name in a <p> (paragraph) which has an id ‘‘demo’’. The function header is as below :
function myfunc()

28. Write statements in Javascript for the following :
(a) To store date and time in a variable and then display date and time on the webpage.
(b) (i) To store ‘‘Genius is one percent inspiration, 99% perspiration’’ in a variable.
(ii) To search ‘‘percent’’ in the string ‘‘Genius is one percent inspiration, 99% perspiration’’ and display it on the webpage.

29. Write any five ways to embed MP3 files into the site.

30. Write any five ways to embed Video in a webpage.

31. How are multimedia elements stored ? Write and explain any two advantages of using Multimedia on webpages.

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