RSMSSB Solved Informatics Assistant Previous Year Question Paper 2018

RSMSSB Solved Informatics Assistant 2018 Previous Year Question Paper. RSMSSB Informatics Assistant or Suchna Sahayak Previous Year Question Papers with Solution are essential for those who are preparing for the AI (Informatics Assistant) Examination. Here, you can download the PDF with a complete solution to help you prepare for your AI Exam with the best approach. LearnCSE is sharing the RSMSSB Informatics Assistant 2018 Previous Question Paper. In the Rajasthan IA (Informatics Assistant) Paper, 150 questions are included, covering GK, Current Affairs, Logical Reasoning and Computer-related topics. Find the RSMSSB Suchna Sahayak 2018 Previous Question Paper with a complete solved solution here.

Question Paper Code 

Time allowed: 180 Minutes
Maximum Marks: 100
Number of Questions: 150

1. Majar-e-Fakhri is situated in which of the following districts ?
a) Jaipur
b) Bikaner
c) Dungarpur
d) Sawai Madhopur

2. Which of following launch of ISRO was rescheduled recently ?
a) GSAT-11
b) GSAT-6
c) GSAT-10
d) GSAT-12

3. What is rank of Rajasthan in India according to World Bank’s “Ease of doing business” index ? [DELETED]
a) 2nd
b) 8th
c) 4th
d) 10th

4 In which of following year (PIC) Patent Information Centre was established in Rajasthan ?
a) 1998
b) 1999
c) 2000
d) 2002

5. What is the name of one stop solution for startups and venture capitalists launched by Rajasthan Government ?
a) istart
b) businessstart
c) moneystart
d) Rajasthansuppor

6. During the year 2017, for promotion of IT activities and startups Digifest were organised at which of following cities ?
a) Kota and Udaipur
b) Kota and Jaipur
c) Kota and Ajmer
d) Kota and Jodhpur

7. What is the name of Rajasthan governments e-mail service which allows the users to create their e-mail address in regional languages including hindi ?
a) HindiBhashaMail
b) RajMail
c) MeriBhashaMail
d) RjMail

8. Which of following government application is the source of information about Indian Mission Abroad?
a) GARV App
b) NarendraModi App
c) MEAlndia
d) Incrediblelndia

9. National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) was launched in which of following year ? [DELETED]
a) 2014
b) 2015
c) 2013
d) 2016

10. In which of following city headquarter of Microsoft is situated ?
a) Washington
b) Florida
c) New York
d) Toronto

11. In which Printer Ribbon is used ?
a) Plotter
b) Laser Printer
c) Dot Matrix Printer
d) Inkjet Printer

12. What is the VVPAT ?
a) Voter Verified Paper Audit Trail
b) Voting Verified Poll Auditing Trail
c) Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail
d) None of these

13. What is ‘Laxmi’ with reference to Reserve Bank of India?
a) Crypto currency
b) Software
c) Locker facility
d) New type of Savings Account

14. ‘Divyang Sarathi’ is ____.
a) Mobile App
b) Mobile Ambulance
c) Internet portal
d) Rehabilitation centre

15. Which satellite has been launched by ISRO using PSLVC-39 from Sriharikota?
a) IRNSS- 1G
b) IRNSS- 1H
c) IRNSS – 1I
d) IRNSS – 1J

16. The Social ideals of Mahatma Gandhi were first put forth in
a) Hind Swaraj
b) The Story of My Experiments with Truth – An Autobiography
c) History of the Satyagraha in South Africa
d) The Bhagvad Gita According to Gandhi

17. Ajanta Caves are connected with which of the following ?
a) Ramayana
b) Mahabharata
c) Jataka Stories
d) Panchtantra Stories

18. Who had broken the AB de villier’s record to become the fastest to score 8000 ODI run ?
a) Virat Kohli
b) Hashim Amla
c) David Warner
d) Steve Smith

19. Which of the following books is not written by Munshi Premchand ?
a) Gahan
b) Godan
c) The Guide
d) Mansarovar

20. National income ignores :
a) Sales of a Firm
b) Salary of employees
c) Exports of the IT sector
d) Sale of land

Download RSMSSB Solved Informatics Assistant Previous Year Question Papers

  • RSMSSB Solved Informatics Assistant 2023 Previous Year Question Paper
    RSMSSB Solved Informatics Assistant 2023 Previous Year Question Paper. RSMSSB Informatics Assistant or Suchna Sahayak Previous Year Question Papers with Solution are essential for those who are preparing for the AI (Informatics Assistant) Examination. Here, you can download the PDF with a complete solution to help you prepare for your AI Exam with the best approach. LearnCSE is sharing the RSMSSB Informatics Assistant 2023 Previous Question Paper. In the Rajasthan IA (Informatics Assistant) Paper, 150 questions are included, covering GK, Current Affairs, Logical Reasoning and Computer-related topics. Find the RSMSSB Suchna Sahayak 2018 Previous Question Paper with a complete solved … Read more
  • RSMSSB Solved Informatics Assistant Previous Year Question Paper 2018
    RSMSSB Solved Informatics Assistant 2018 Previous Year Question Paper. RSMSSB Informatics Assistant or Suchna Sahayak Previous Year Question Papers with Solution are essential for those who are preparing for the AI (Informatics Assistant) Examination. Here, you can download the PDF with a complete solution to help you prepare for your AI Exam with the best approach. LearnCSE is sharing the RSMSSB Informatics Assistant 2018 Previous Question Paper. In the Rajasthan IA (Informatics Assistant) Paper, 150 questions are included, covering GK, Current Affairs, Logical Reasoning and Computer-related topics. Find the RSMSSB Suchna Sahayak 2018 Previous Question Paper with a complete solved … Read more

21. Which metro has become the world’s flrst ever metro system to get green certification ?
a) Jaipur Metro
b) Delhi Metro
c) Chennai Metro
d) Mumbai Metro

22. Booting instructions are stored inside :
a) Floppy disk
b) ROM
c) RAM
d) Operating system

23. The software program which is compiled legally and is usually used free is referred as [DELETED]
a) Shareware
b) Firmware
c) Mindware
d) Public Domain

24. Data Processing cycle consists of :
a) Input and output cycle
b) Input, output and processing cycle
c) Output and processing cycle
d) Output cycle only

25. ____ is an inference drawn from the processed data and information.
a) Information set
b) Knowledge
c) Raw data
d) Statistical data

26. A transaction file stores :
a) Data that rarely changes
b) Data that never changes
c) Data that frequently changes
d) Data that is erroneous

27. MS-Access database is saved as ____ extension.
a) .msa
b) .dbm
c) .mdb
d) .mss

28. PDF is an acronym for :
a) Printable document format
b) Portable document format
c) Printable data format
d) Portable data format

29. Layer 1 of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model is,
a) Physical Layer
b) Link Layer
c) Transport Layer
d) Network Layer

30. Which of the following was the first commercial web browser ?
a) Mosaic
b) Mozilla
c) Netscape
d) Internet Explorer

31. Size of IPV6 address is ____.
a) 264 bits
b) 128 bits
c) 64 bits
d) 32 bits

32. Which protocol is used between e-mail servers ?
a) FTP

33. The ____ shows all the web sites and pages that we have visited earlier.
a) History
b) Task bar
c) Status bar
d) Browser list

34. An organization that provides services for accessing, using, or participating in the Internet is called the,
a) Network Hub
b) Internet Consortium
c) Internet Service Provider
d) Telecom Consortium

35. ‘Ethernet’ is another name of
a) Local Area Network (LAN)
b) Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
c) Wide Area Network (WAN)
d) Piconet Area Network (PAN)

36. The normal speed of Ethernet is ____
a) 64 kbps
b) 64 Mbps
c) 10 kbps
d) 10 Mbps

37. The stylesheet file will not be loaded by the browser if you omit ____.
a) REL

38. Which of the following is a container tag ?
b) <VALUE>
c) <INPUT>
d) <BODY>

39. Which attribute in Anchor Tag is used to show the hyperlink?
b) SRC

40. A ____ is a small program embedded inside a GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) image.
a) Web bug
b) Cookie
c) Spyware application
d) Spam

41. Saving a file from internet to computer is known as :
a) Downloading
b) Uploading
c) Storing
d) Weblinking

42. A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a reference to a,
a) Computer Resource
a) Web Resource that specifies its location on a computer network and a mechanism for retrieving it
c) Printer on the network
d) Storage server on the network

43. Which phase comes after execution in electronic market trade cycle ?
a) Pre-sale
b) After-sale
c) Settlement
d) Negotiate

44. Which is not an example of G2C services ?
a) e-visa
b) e-transportation
c) Digital police portal

45. EFT stands for
a) Easy For Taxes
b) Easy Fund Transfer
c) Electronic Fund Transfer
d) Electronic Financial Transaction

46. A malicious program that does not replicate automatically is,
a) Trojan horse
b) Worm
c) Zombie
d) Virus

47. XLL definition is used along with XML to specify :
a) The data types of the contents of XML document
b) The structure of XML document
c) The presentation of XML document
d) The links with other documents

48. Which of the following is not a search engine ?
a) Yahoo
b) Bingo
c) Google
d) Windows

49. Search engine which takes input from a user and simultaneously send out queries to third party search engines for results, is :
a) Advance Search Engine
b) Meta Search Engine
c) Search tool
d) Boolean Search Engine

50. The search results are generally presented in a line of results often referred as :
a) Tag List
b) Search Engine Result Pages
c) Search Engine Pages
d) Category List

51. Which of the following is not a recovery technique ?
a) Deferred update
b) Immediate update
c) Two-phase commit
d) Recovery management

52. A statement that is executed automatically by the system as a side effect of a modification to the database is known as :
a) Assertion
b) Triggers
c) Referential constraints
d) Insertion

53. An integral part of database that can restore database to previous state before failure is called :
a) Recovery Scheme
b) Backup Scheme
c) Restoring Scheme
d) Transaction Scheme

54. Drawing, photographs, movies and simulation comes under the category of :
a) Animation
b) Image
c) Graphics
d) Text

55. Vector and ____ are the two types of computer graphics.
a) Scalar
b) Sector
c) Rector
d) Raster

56. The ratio of vertical points to horizontal points and vice-versa is called
a) Bitmap ratio
b) Aspect ratio
c) Pointer ratio
d) Resolution ratio

57. ____ is a technology that allows brick and mortar retail stores to send messages directly to the smart phones of their customers by.
a) Beacons
b) Bitcoin
c) Business CRM
d) Big Data

58. The ____ facility allows customers to purchase the items they want online, and pick them up from their physical store, merging the convenience of e-commerce with the benefits of physical retail outlets.
a) Click and Send
b) Click and Purchase
c) Click and Reserve
d) Click and Collect

59. Use of internet to connect a wide variety of devices, machines and sensors for empowering brick and mortar stores by giving them the same access to data that online stores have is a facility falls under which of the following technologies ?
a) Artificial Intelligence
b) Deep Learning
c) Machine Learning
d) Internet of Thing

60. Which of the following is not a Java Code editor ?
a) MS Word
b) Netbeans
c) Edit+
d) Notepad

61. Which is not a feature of a GUI that makes learning a program easy for users ?
a) WYSIWYG formatting
b) Dialog boxes
c) Detailed key strokes and commands
d) Icons

62. Which property in Visual Basic determines whether a control is displayed to the user ?
a) Show
b) Display
c) Visible
d) Enabled

63. ____ audio/video refers to on-demand requests for compressed audio/video files.
a) Streaming stored
b) Streaming Live
c) Interactive
d) Mixing

64. A ____ buffer is required for real-time traffic.
a) reordering
b) playback
c) sorting
d) broadcasting

65. A ____ changes the format of a high-bandwidth video signal to a lower quality narrow bandwidth signal.
a) Sequence number
b) Timestamp
c) Translator
d) Segment

66. The missing number in the series :
0, 6, 24, 60, 120, ?, 336
a) 210
b) 220
c) 240
d) 280

67. In a certain code language “Great solution turn plan” is written “&T5 #N8 @N4 %N4”.
Then “Tamilnadu” written in that code

a) # u9
b) &T9
c) @U9
d) @ T9

68. Choose the correct number for the given series
30, 90, 182, 306, 462, ?

a) 650
b) 678
c) 615
d) 580

69. How many parallelograms are there in the following figure ?
a) 12
b) 24
c) 30
d) 60

70. Which folk drama of Rajasthan is called “Meru Natya” ?
a) Bhawai
b) Khayal
c) Gavari
d) Tamasha

71. According to recent announcements, new free of cost facility provided to heart patients in Rajasthan is
a) Angiography
b) Heart Transplant
c) Chamber cleaning
d) Artery Replacement

72. Which pair among the following is incorrectly matched ?
Prajamandal > Founder
a) Sirohi > Gokul bhai Bhatt
b) Karouli > Trilokchand Mathur
c) Jaisalmer > Meethalal Vyas
d) Alwar > Ladaram Vyas

73. Which of the following sector is related to Meera Puraskar ?
a) Literature
b) Singing
c) Painting
d) Handicraft

74. Where every year the soils are rejuvenated naturally, the region is known as –
a) Bhabar region
b) Tarai region
c) Bangar region
d) Khadar region

75. ‘Hoorda Conference’ was organized in which year ?
a) 1732 A.D.
b) 1733 A.D.
c) 1734 A.D.
d) 1735 A.D.

76. Incised cut ear and ‘Jata’ are identification mark of which of the following ?
a) Gurjar
b) Oghar Jogi
c) Rawal Jogi
d) Meena

77. From 1stJan., 2018 what will be the new loan interest rate for farmers, charged by co-operative land development banks ? [DELETED]
a) 6.5%
b) 6.7%
c) 5.5%
d) 5.7%

78. In Rajasthan, for WPI, which year is taken as the base year ?
a) 1999-2000
b) 1995-1996
c) 2004-2005
d) 2008-2009

79. Kachnar Choudhary is associated with which of the following games ?
a) Shot Put
b) Badminton
c) Swimming
d) 100 m race

80. Which one of the following is called “Hindu Olympus” by Col. James Todd ?
a) Toddgarh
b) Plateau of Uparmal
c) Mount Abu
d) North-Western desert

81. Peepalpanna is –
a) Women’s head ornament
b) Women’s ear ornament
c) Women’s neck ornament
d) Women’s waist jewelry

82. When was the Rajasthan State Road Transport Corporation established ?
a) 1979
b) 1964
c) 1961
d) 1971

83. Which of the following district is not directly related to ‘Mahi high level canal project’ for pure potable water ?
a) Rajsamand
b) Chittorgarh
c) Udaipur
d) Dungarpur

84. According to new budget, what is the GST rate for slabs and tiles in Rajasthan ?
a) 18%
b) 20%
c) 28%
d) 32%

85. A question and two statements I and II are given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question.
What will be the result of Priya’s Secondary Board Examination this year ?
Statement :
I : This year Secondary Board Examination question papers were very easy.
II : Almost all the students appeared in the Secondary Board Examination succeed.
a) Only statement I is sufficient.
b) Only statement ll is sufficient.
c) Both statements I and II are necessary.
d) Both statements I and II are not sufficient.

86. The angle subtended by sector related to military at the centre is –
a) 210.2°
b) 212.4°
c) 214.6°
d) 218.9°

87. How many numbers between 100 and 300 begin or end with 2 ?
a) 100
b) 110
c) 120
d) 140

88. In which year was Kartik Born ?
(i) Kartik is 6 years older than Mayur.
(ii) Mayur’s brother was born in 1982.
(iii) Kartik’s brother is 2 years younger than Mayur’s brother, who was eight years younger than Mayur.
How many of above are enough to find out the birth year of Kartik ?

a) (i)
b) (i), (iii)
c) (ii), (iii)
d) (i), (ii), (iii)

89. The given figure shows the food liking of 1080 people of a city.
The percent of the people who like Idli is
a) 12.5%
b) 12.0%
c) 15%
d) 10%

90. If 6th February 2018 fall on Tuesday then what will be the day on 6th February 2020 ?
a) Monday
b) Tuesday
c) Wednesday
d) Thursday

91. In the given figure going from A to B only on the lines and taking the least length of path, in how many ways can reach ?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 6
d) 8

92. 1000 candidates appeared in an examination comprising tests in English, History and Science. The Venn diagram gives the number of candidate who failed in different tests. What is the percentage of candidates who failed in any two subjects ?
a) 0.9%
b) 9%
c) 0.09%
d) 90%

93. A committee of three persons is to be formed out of seven persons A, B, C, D, E, F and G according to the follo\ving conditions.
(i) Either A or C or both must be chosen
(ii) If A or B is chosen, the other must also be chosen.
(iii) C and D can’t be chosen together
If D is chosen, which of the following could also be chosen ?

a) E, F
b) C, E
c) A, G
d) A, B

94. From the given words, select the word which can not be formed using the letters of the given word: TOKENISM

95. A is 5 ranks ahead of B in a class of 46 students. If B’s rank is twelth from the last, what is A’s rank from the start ?
a) 28
b) 29
c) 30
d) 31

96. Two positions of a dice are shown below. What will be the number at the bottom if 5 is at the top ?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 6

97. If “INDIA” is coded as “KQIPK” in a code language. How is “JAPAN” written in that code?

98. Pointing to an old man, Vijay said, “His son is my son’s Uncle”. How is old man related to Vijay ?
a) Brother
b) Uncle
c) Father
d) Grand Father

99. Find the missing number from the given option : [DELETED]
a) 1
b) 52
c) 70
d) 104

100. Text’s encryption is its
a) Compression
b) Expansion
c) Scrambling to preserve its security
d) Hashing

101. One commonly used public-key cryptography method is the ____ algorithm.
a) RSS
b) RAS
c) RSA
d) RAA

102. Which is not the characteristic of good algorithm ?
a) Finite
b) Unambiguous
c) Well defmed
d) Unordered

103. Which of the following is a tool to diagrammatically depict the logic of a computer program?
a) Pseudocode
b) Algorithm
c) Flowchart
d) Source Code

104. Which structure allows the program to make a choice between two alternate paths depending upon the condition ?
a) Sequence
b) Selection
c) Iteration
d) Logic

105. NAT stands for
a) Network Address Translation
b) Network Address Transformation
c) Network Access Translation
d) Network Access Transformation

106. What is the use of firewall ?
a) Filters the packets that come from internet
b) Filters the packets that come from internet to intranet
c) Filters the packets transmitted to internet
d) Ensure the packets faster traffic for fast e-commerce

107. A network security system that protects network resources by filtering messages at the application layer is,
a) Packet Filter Firewall
b) Proxy Firewall
c) Stateful inspection Firewall
d) Next-Gen Firewall

108. In object oriented programming, an object is an instance of :
a) Class
b) State
c) Behaviour
d) Message

109. Class members of a class in C++ program are by default
a) Public
b) Protected
c) Private
d) Global

110. An object-oriented programming concept that refers to the ability of a variable, function, or object to take on multiple forms is :
a) Inheritance
b) Hierarchy
c) Polymorphism
d) State Transition

111. The declaration int arr [2][5]; will allocate ____ bytes. [DELETED]
a) 20
b) 10
c) 40
d) 2

112. Which is not a data type of C ?
a) float
b) int
c) char
d) class

113. The following two C language statements are equivalent to, n = *&q. These statements are
p = &q;
n = * p:
which are further equivalent to,
a) n = p
b) p = q
c) n = p*q
d) n = q

114. ____ error arises due to incorrect use of syntax.
a) Compile time error
b) Linking error
c) Run time error
d) Input error

115. COBOL and Pascal are examples of ____ programming languages.
a) Object oriented
b) Scripting
c) Structured
d) Object based

116. In conversion of HLL to machine language the syntax analysis part is called as ____.
a) Parsing
b) Lexical analysis
c) Semantic analysis
d) Linking

117. The memory management scheme that allows the processes to be stored non-contiguously in memory:
a) Spooling
b) Swapping
c) Paging
d) Relocation

118. Ctrl + right arrow is used to ____
a) Move the cursor one word right
b) Move the cursor at the end of line
c) Move the cursor at the end of document
d) Move the cursor one paragraph down

119. Auto correct was originally designed to replace ____ words as you type.
a) short, repetitive
b) grammatically incorrect
c) misspelled
d) duplicate

120. Which feature of word enables a person to send same letters to different persons ?
a) Macros
b) Mail Merge
c) Template
d) Thesaurus

121. We cannot hide a ____ in MS Excel.
a) Row
b) Column
c) Sheet
d) Range

122. Which of the following chart types will be the most appropriate to plot the ups and downs and track the progress of the stock market on a daily basis ?
a) Column Chart
b) Row Chart
c) Line Chart
d) Pie Chart

123. If the formula =If (B5 > 100, ‘A’, ‘A*’) is entered in the cell C5, and the cell B5 at different instances contains the values 75, 150 and 100, then cell C5 will have the following values respectively.
a) A*, A, A*
b) A, A*, A
c) A*, A, A
d) A*, A*, A*

124. Which of the following is not a part of slide design ?
a) Colour scheme
b) Animation scheme
c) Design template
d) Slide Layout

125. Objects on the slide that hold text are called :
a) Placeholders
b) Auto layout
c) Textholders
d) Objectholders

126. Transition effects are applied to
a) Text
b) Slides
c) Images
d) Any object on slide

127. In MS Access images can be set to ____ data type.
a) Long
b) Ole
c) Hyperlink
d) Memo

128. The basic elements of a form are called :
a) objects
b) table
c) record
d) controls

129. To make a database password protected in MS Access :
a) Insert > Security > Set database password
b) Tools > Security > Set database password
c) View > Security > Set database password
d) Data > Security > Set database password

130. The devices used to obtain a printed matter into digital form, and digital matter into printed form respectively are,
a) Scanner and Printer
b) Printer and Scanner
c) Plotter and Printer
d) Printer and Plotter

131. The electric pulse generated by system clock is called as [DELETED]
a) Click
b) Cycle
c) Tick
d) Hertz

132. An Industry Standard designed to standardize the connection of computer peripherals to computers, both to communicate and to supply electric power is,
a) IEEE Standard
c) USB
d) Peripheral standards

133. How many symbols does the hexadecimal system use ?
a) 6
b) 10
c) 16
d) 60

134. To convert a decimal number into octal, we do
a) divide decimal number with 8
b) multiple decimal number with 8
c) divide decimal number with 16
d) multiple decimal number with 16

135. The hexadecimal subtraction of (1056)16 from (A427)16 results in
a) (A3Bl)16
b) (9331)16
c) (3711)16
d) (93D1)16

136. The term gigabyte refers to :
a) 1024 byte
b) 1024 kilobyte
c) 1024 hexabyte
d) 1024 megabyte

137. Processed data is known as :
a) Facts
b) Records
c) Information
d) Data

138. 2’s complement of (1000)2 is
a) 0001
b) 0101
c) 0111
d) 1000

139. Software agents are also known as :
a) Transagents
b) Knowbots
c) Blizzards
d) Softbots

140. Two statements are followed by two conclusions I and II. You have to take the two given statements to be true, disregarding the commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the two given statements ?
Statement :
(i) All pens are pencils
(ii) All books are pencils
Conclusions :
I : All pens are books
II : Some books are pens

a) Only conclusion I follows
b) Only conclusion II follows
c) Both conclusions I and II follow
d) Neither conclusion I nor II follows

141. Which one of the following is not an argument ?
a) If today is Tuesday, tomorrow will be Wednesday.
b) Since today is Tuesday, tomorrow will be Wednesday.
c) Ram is not at home, so he must have gone to town.
d) Ram insulted me so I punched him in the ear.

142. In the given diagram circle represent police officer, square represent strong men, triangle represent tall men. Which region represent pollice officer who are strong but not tall ?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

143. Seven persons X, Y, Z, P, Q, R and S are sitting around a circular table facing the centre but not necessarily in the same order. Q is fourth to the left of Y. P is third to the right of X, Y is to the immediate right of X. Z is fourth to the right of R. R is not an immediate neighbour of P. Who is second to the left of S ?
a) Q
b) R
c) X
d) Y

144. H is richer than J;
M is richer than P;
L is as rich as J;
A is richer than H.
What conclusion can be definitely drawn from the above statements ?

a) J is more poorer than P
b) M is richer than A
c) P is richer than L
d) L is poorer than H

145. Find out suitable vein diagram from A, B, C and D.
Vegetables, Potato, Cabbage

146. If a rectangle were called a circle, a circle a point, a point a triangle and a triangle a square, the shape of a wheel is
a) Rectangle
b) Circle
c) Triangle
d) Point

147. A statement is followed by two assumptions I and II. Consider the statement and decide which of the given assumptions is implicit.
Statement : We should use Khadi clothes.
Assumption :
I : Khadi clothes are not harmful for health.
II : Khadi clothes are cheaper than other clothes.

a) Only assumption I is implicit.
b) Only assumption II is implicit.
c) Both assumptions I and II are implicit.
d) Neither assumption I nor ll is implicit.

148. Four friends are sitting in a square. C is right to B and A is left to B. Who is right to C ?
a) B
b) D
c) A
d) C

149. Choose the correct mirror image of figure F from amongst the given four alternatives figures (A), (B), (C) and (D).

150. A question and two statements numbered I and II are given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question.
How many sons does X have ?
Statement :
I : E and W are only two brothers of P.
II : P is the only daughter of Q and X.

a) Only statement I is sufficient.
b) Only statement II is sufficient.
c) Both statements I and II are necessary.
d) Both statements I and II are not sufficient

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