WhatsApp has made the channel feature live in India some time ago. With its help, you can connect with your favorite celebs, creators, fames and institutions or industries. The channel feature keeps your and admin’s information completely safe and any number of people can join it. It is very easy to join any channel. You can search any channel from the 3 dots menu near the channel option. After joining the channel, you will keep getting new updates coming in it from time to time.
How can You Create Your Own WhatsApp Channel?
If you want to create your own WhatsApp channel, then you will have to go to WhatsApp and go to the channel option which you will find under Updates.
- Now, tap on the 3 Dots Menu
- Click on Create Channel and enter the name and description of the channel.
- Click on Create Channel.
In this way your WhatsApp channel will be created. To add people to the channel, you can share the link of the channel on your status or any other platform.
Let us tell you, like YouTube channel, you can also earn from WhatsApp channel, but the condition for this is that you must be popular. Because after becoming popular, you will get brand deals, promotions etc. which you can promote in WhatsApp channel and earn money.
How to Unfollow WhatsApp Channel?
Many people are not liking the WhatsApp Channel and they are also complaining about the consumption of more data. If you also do not like the channel feature, then you can get yourself unfollowed from the linked channel.
- Open the concerned channel
- Click on the three dots present in the top right
- Click on the option of Unfollow.
By doing this you will exit from that channel.